[ale] Linux and Mac

Clayton Aucoin abbphan at home.com
Sun Mar 11 21:15:31 EST 2001

I recently got a Mac Performa 6360 as a tinker 
computer from my friend.  I want to put Linux on it and decided to use 
Yellow Dog.  I downloaded their Champian server 1.2.1 and tried to install 
it onto the Mac, but can't.  Since I don't have a new generation CD bay, 
then i have to use bootx.  When I tried to copy the files neccessary for 
this, the computer gave me an error message.  It waid it was a "type -39" 
error.  I couldn't find the definition of this anywhere in the 
documentation.  Can anyone help me with this problem?  
Clayton Aucoin

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