[ale] that stippled gray X background

hirsch at zapmedia.com hirsch at zapmedia.com
Fri Jun 29 16:15:50 EDT 2001

John Mills writes:
 > Michael -
 > At what point in the startup did you run 'xsetroot'?
 > Which window manager are you using?

I actually have a C++ program that starts X, then sets the background,
cursor, etc.  I always get a little flash of Grey.  I don't use xinit,
or anything on this.

I finally found the place where the background is hard coded into the
Server.  I ended up using a hex editor (emacs) to just edit it to all
black.  It worked great.

I really don't understand why there isn't an option to set the
background at startup.  Everything I've seen sets the background after
the grey is drawn.

Thanks for everyones' suggestions,


 > On Thu, 28 June 2001, hirsch at zapmedia.com wrote:
 > > Does anyone know their way around the XFree X server?  I'm trying to
 > > replace the ugly default X background with something nicer (like, say,
 > > solid black).  I know how to set the background after X starts, either
 > > with xsetroot or with an xlib call, but I still see the stippled
 > > background first.  I haven't found a run time parameter.
 > It should not be necessary to go to the source code to set a resource for X11. Perhaps you could give a bit more detail as to what you want and what you are having to do.
 > Regards,
 >  John Mills

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