[ale] Oracle on Linux

Michael Smith MSmith at webtonetech.com
Fri Jun 22 06:45:44 EDT 2001

Thanks for everyone's help.  I have Oracle up and runnning!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Newcombe [mailto:Newcombe at mordor.clayton.edu]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 4:27 PM
To: Michael Smith
Subject: RE: [ale] Oracle on Linux

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Michael Smith wrote:
> No go on RH 7.1 so far.  It just sits when I run ./runInstaller.  If I
> top, it sits at 4% CPU usage so I don't think much is going on.  If you
> it working on 7.1 please email me.....

I had to do two things:

  Install the glibc2.2 libs (or whatever the older libraries are) as has
been mentioned in other posts.
  Replace the JDK that is in the installation tree with the same version
one from blackdown.org

  After doing both of those, it ran fine - though you may get an error
when it tries to recompile genclntsh (or something after that relying on
libclntsh.)  If you get that, find the log file and run the line where it
failed from the shell.  

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