FW: [ale] install on a maxtor ata/100/20 gig disk

Armsby John-G16665 John.Armsby at motorola.com
Mon Jun 11 15:51:27 EDT 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: Armsby John-G16665 
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 1:13 PM
To: 'Marc'
Subject: RE: [ale] install on a maxtor ata/100/20 gig disk

Marc,  I am pushing my level of incompetence.  I have a few more questions....
thanks for your input.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marc [mailto:marct at mindspring.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 12:59 PM
To: Armsby John-G16665
Cc: 'ale at ale.org'
Subject: RE: [ale] install on a maxtor ata/100/20 gig disk

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Armsby John-G16665 wrote:
> Complile and when you boot of the custom kernel the name the disk
> on the add-in card will be /dev/hda[1234]
> 2.  If I can "see" the disk, then copy a bootable image to that disk.
> 3.  Go to Boot Magic, and add it as a menu option.
> 4.  Crank up the other disk from a boot up,..... If linux works, I can
> then do what I want.  I plan to install taper, and restore my linux
> from disk 1 to my now bootable disk2.

        Actually under this senario I'd do this assuming you have
        a little experience fooling with linux.  The basic idea:
        1) Install the add-in card and drive 

        2) Make the kernel with a "make bzdisk" on the existing setup
           This will make you a boot floppy with the new kernel 

                ******  I will recompile and make a boot disk *********
        3) Check with "/sbin/rdev /dev/fd0" that root=/dev/hdaX

                ******  Not sure what you want me to do here... what is rdev?? *****

        4) boot "rescue" from a install cd of you distro

                ***** I have booted rescue from a rescue disk... I can boot rescue from the 6.1 CD?? *****

        5) fdisk /dev/hde (the new drive) to your desired partitions

                **** Not sure just what this step does... I used Partition Magic under Windows to set up 
                 the partitions on the new disk... skip this step?? *********

        6) mkext2fs /dev/hde[1234] to make filesystems on the new disk

        7) Then mount each filesystem and copy it to the new disk 
           with "cp -a * /new"  This is a direct IDE->IDE copy and will
           work very fast, and you don;t have to worry about the tape 
           software install, etc. 
        8) "sync" and unmount the partitions, shutdown the machine
        9) Boot with the floppy, it should find the add-in card and
           the new drive.
        10) Put the new kernel in lilo, or bootmagic etc and reboot
            without the flopy.

        But thats me.  Do whatever your most comfertable with :-)

        marct at mindspring.com

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