[ale] Kernel Versions

Chris Fowler ChrisF at computone.com
Fri Jan 5 22:39:49 EST 2001

 I have added the -20 to the kernel and at boot my kernel version is 2.2.12-20.  That is correct.  I emabled 'set versions on modules' and botted off that kernel.  I still gett unresolved sysmbols.  Did I miss something?


-----Original Message-----
From: scott thomason
To: Chris Fowler
Sent: 1/5/01 8:21 PM
Subject: RE: [ale] Kernel Versions


On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:59:00 -0500 , Chris Fowler said:

> ln -s /usr/lib/modules/2.2.12-20 /usr/lib/modules/2.2.12 will allow me
>  use the shipping modules?
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: scott thomason [mailto:scott at industrial-linux.org]
>  Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 2:51 PM
>  To: Chris Fowler
>  Subject: Re: [ale] Kernel Versions
>  The "-22" at the end is RedHat's packaging version number; it doesn't
>  anything to do with the kernel release. For example, in "-20", they
may have
>  applied patches A, B, and C; in "-22" they may have added patch D and
>  changed the permissions on something or other, but everything is
still based
>  of the same pristine source version.
>  ---scott
>  On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 14:40:18 -0500 , Chris Fowler said:
>  >  For kernel versions, what does the last number mean?
>  >  
>  >  For exapmle.
>  >  
>  >  2.2.16-22  Where does to 22 come from?

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