[ale] Shutdown porcess

Chris Fowler ChrisF at computone.com
Tue Jan 2 19:54:47 EST 2001

shutdown -r calls init with option of 6.  Init then shutsdown the machine
and issues either the /sbin/halt or /sbin/shutdown command.  The script that gets executed is /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/S01reboot or /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/S01halt

 I need to know that the halt command does.  I believe it sets the clean bit on the FS or umounts it.  I'm not sure.

-----Original Message-----
From: I.Herman
To: Chris Fowler
Sent: 1/2/01 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ale] Shutdown porcess

I usually just use the Shutdown command.

at root:  shutdown -r now 
that does a "restart now"


shutdown now

just shuts down w/out restarting..

both of these cleanly unmounts the filesystem

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