[ale] WAP on linux? impossible?

Russell Hogg russellh at x-soft.com
Fri Aug 10 18:11:00 EDT 2001

My guess is that the MCOM Chapter 11 thing is a temporary setback for high
speed wireless in the ATL area.  A few short months from now someone will
come along, pick up the network at bargain cost, and put it back into use.

(I wouldn't pawn my Ricochet cards just yet)

WorldCOM seems like a likely candidate.
My minimal experience with WAP says try something else, I've been out of the
loop for 6 months or so now but from what I remember 
"she had a long way to go".  

Please post back to the group with whichever direction you go as I'm sure a
lot of us are interested in Wide area Wireless Connectivity.  
(Be it WAP or Ricochet or CDPD-ugghh.. or whatever)

just my two cents

I think I'll go read up on the latest with WAP as your question has made me
curious again..

Good luck,


russellh at x-soft.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Hubbs [mailto:Jhubbs at niit.com] 
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 6:05 PM
To: Christopher Bergeron; Ale
Subject: RE: [ale] WAP on linux? impossible?

Heh, I guess the big question now is, why would you WANT to?

See http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20010808S0042 for why not.

Anyone know if wireless stock prices have plummetted yet?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Bergeron [mailto:christopher at bergeron.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 6:00 PM
> To: Ale
> Subject: [ale] WAP on linux? impossible?
> Does anyone know how I could use WAP in a linux box with a 
> cellular modem?
> I know it's a long shot, but if I can do that, I can avoid 
> paying $75/mo.
> for a Ricochet wireless modem.  Although, driving around and 
> being online at
> 128KB/s is daaaamn tempting.  At any rate, I'd like to be 
> able to parse some
> "WAP enableD" web sites for basic things like traffic and 
> weather.  The plus
> side of the Ricochet is that I wouldn't have to dial-up each 
> time...  With
> WAP do you have to?
> Does anyone have any experience with this stuff???
> Thanks,
> CB
> P.S.
> Here's the link to the car pc for those interested:
> http://christopher.bergeron.com/
> --
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