[ale] Kylix & rh6.2

Chris Woodruff cwoodruff at openpenguin.com
Mon Aug 6 09:56:53 EDT 2001

Here is the list of required software you will need before you can install
 - Linux kernel version 2.2 or higher
 - libgtk.so version 1.2 or higher
   (required for graphical installation only)
 - libjpeg version 6.2 (libjpeg.so.62) or higher
 - an X11R6-compatible terminal server, such as XFree86.

If glibc is version 2.1.2 or later you are fine and can install kylix.

Here is a link for you to read:

I would recommend that you install kylix for a single user.  Login as a non
root user and install kylix.  It will get installed in your user directory.

Chris Woodruff

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