[ale] Can anyone help out a fellow ale'r???

rob hoppe hoppe at mindspring.com
Fri Aug 3 09:25:07 EDT 2001

"Keith R. Watson" wrote:

> At 01:29 PM 7/30/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> >...in finding work?  I'm an experienced Unix SA and I've recently been
> >laid-off.  I believe the term they used was "consolidation" (we got bought
> >out).  If anyone could help me out or provide me with any leads, I'd be
> >forever grateful...
> >
> Christopher,
> Check out Georgia Tech's job openings:
> http://www.ohr.gatech.edu/employment/empinf.html
> keith
> -------------
> Keith R. Watson                        GTRI/AIST
> Systems Support Specialist III         Georgia Tech Research Institute
> keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu           Atlanta, GA  30332-0816
> 404-894-0836
> --
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They don't pay well for the experience desired.


_/  Rob Hoppe
_/  770-995-5099
_/  770-560-1050 cell
_/  770-338-5885 fax
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