[ale] Future Meeting space - LinuxVMP

aaron aaron at pd.org
Wed Aug 1 15:32:05 EDT 2001

Previously, Jonathan Rickman typed into the ether:
> Why not host the meeting at multiple sites with video/audio links between?

Perhaps because of the many challenges and resources that would
be involved (connetivity, bandwidth, cameras, microphones, mixers,
computer hardware, software and servers, plus the personnel organize,
connect and run all of it... at multiple locations, no less).

There was some previous discussion on this thread about extending the
access of regular meetings by including some level of "Virtual Meeting"
broadcast and basic Q & A interactivity. This single-point idea
seems a much more practical possiblity and a goal that might be
reasonably and effectively met.


Myself and few other interested ALE affiliates are discussing making
this idea happen on the "Linux Virtual Meeting Projects" list, which
we just opened at YahooGroups.com. The first proposal for an initial
Virtual Meeting outline was just posted there:

1>> Real Time (or at least *near* Realtime) Internet Audio Broadcast
2>> Web Accessable HTML Presentation Support Graphics and Outline pages
3>> Email or Chat Connection for Questions and Interactive Feedback

While notably modest in scope, I see this as a practical and quickly
acheivable V.M. starting point, one than can be expanded on as
resources and support permits. Of course, any and all ideas, comments or
alternatives for this proposal are welcome, and anyone who wants to
participate in creating and supporting ALE Virtual Meetings is invited
again to join the LinuxVMP list by emailing to:

  LinuxVMP-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

(after justice)

PS: It would be helpful for the Virtual Meeting group to know the
server and hosting arrangements for the ALE.org web site and to find out
how much of a resource this could be for our efforts. Can someone
please inform us of who is managing the web resources for ALE at
present or have them get in touch with us??  Thanks in advance!
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