[ale] Toshiba 2105CDS and linux

Gary S. Mackay Gary at EdisonInfo.com
Wed Sep 27 22:34:43 EDT 2000

It appears that the xircom driver is loading, but I'm getting these errors in
the log file:

xirc2ps_cs: register_netdev()failed
cardmgr[52]: get dev info on socket 0 failed. No such device

If I issue a "cardctl eject" command, remove and reinsert the card, these
lines appear again after high/low beeps.
Any ideas?

- Gary

Chris Ricker wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Gary S. Mackay wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> >       Thanks for the reply. Slack 7.1 was the closest to working. It would at least
> > say it was trying to load the xirc2ps_cs driver, but failed. None of the other
> > ones even tried. Where can I find info on this driver so I can figure out why
> > it won't load?
> There should be something on the pcmcia-cs home page
> <http://pcmcia-cs.sourceforge.net/>
> later,
> chris
> --
> Chris Ricker                                               kaboom at gatech.edu
>                                               chris.ricker at genetics.utah.edu
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