[ale] hacked indicator?

Wandered Inn esoteric at denali.atlnet.com
Tue Nov 28 10:00:37 EST 2000

Well, I think I may have figured this one out.  Here's an interesting
tidbit as well as a response to some feedback from the list.

I've figured out why the output of 'id' does not provide a user name on
this machine for non-root users.  The perms on the passwd file were
600.  If I change them to 644, then 'id -un' reports the proper user

Question is, should the perms on /etc/passwd be that tight?  Obviously,
it did not cause any problems other than the 'id' issue which isn't a
real problem.

I assume this was done by the install of Mandrake 7.1.  As I recall, the
install asks how secure you want the machine to be and I believe I
selected the 'paranoid' response.

I certainly feel better about this whole issue, particularily since I
couldn't find any other anomolies.  Logs look okay and there doesn't
appear to be any changes in services based on the cron jobs Mandrake

Jonathan Rickman wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Wandered Inn wrote:

> > Question is, is it possible this is a side effect of being hacked?  I've
> > been checking out the log files and such and can not find anything else
> > out of the ordinary.
> Yes...
> > Anyone seen a similar aberration?
> Yes...
> While this could be caused by misconfiguration on your part, I'm not
> inclined to think so. I've read your posts in the past and you seem to
> know what you're doing.

Well, I think I've got strengths here and their, but not unlike a sieve
in some areas.  Thanks for the compliment anyway (at least I'll take it
as one.) :)

> Of course, everyone makes mistakes. This could be
> a misconfiguration on the part of a script kiddie who installed a rootkit.
> Four questions...
> What kind of exposure to the internet at large exists on the system in
> question?

I'm still ppp dial up, so it's not an always on connection.

> What services is it running?

On the firewall, very little.  No sendmail, portmap, ftp, telnet, nfs,
http.  Pretty focused machine.

> Do you have tripwire, or any other integrity checker installed?

Alas, no. (shame on me).  I've not gotten that far as it is dial up
connectivity.  I am running a modified set of the ipchains scripts from
the New Riders 'Linux Firewalls' book.

> Have you checked for any "suspicious listening services"?

Hmm, do you mean services I've not had on previously?  I've reviewed the
output of the emails that Mandrake 7.1 generates on a regular basis and
not found anything unusual.

> Your best bet is to trust nothing. Use another machine to scan the system
> in question using nmap. Look for anything listening that wasn't there
> before. Pay particular attention to high ports. Export /etc over NFS or
> Samba and use another machine to mount it and check your inetd.conf file
> for added listeners.
> --
> Jonathan Rickman
> X Corps Security
> http://www.xcorps.net
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> --
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at denali.atlnet.com

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