[ale] OT: Silicon Valley cost of living?

Bob's ALE Mail transam at cavu.com
Fri Nov 10 10:35:34 EST 2000

> NOTE: if you're in the Bay area / Silicon Valley region, or have lived
> there in the past three years, and have also recently lived in the Atlanta
> metro area, this is esp. for you ...

I've lived there in the past, have friends who were talked into relocating
there from Atlanta this year, and I've been there twice this year on

Even a 50% increase in salary will not pay for the obscene increase in
cost of living.  Traffic is far worse than here (really).  People are
unfriendly.  Drivers are BLEEP.  The ocean is far too cold to swim in.
(All that Beach Boys stuff was LA.)

The ratio of men to women is something like 3:1 or 8:1 so if you're a
single guy forget about dating.

My friends who moved there (who were not single) hate it and want to
move back to Atlanta.

If I haven't dissuaded you, insist that your prospective company fly
you out there for a look.

Bob Toxen
bob at cavu.com
transam at cavu.com                       [Bob's ALE Bulk email]
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