[ale] Re: how to use Two modems in linux(mandrake 7.1) or what ever works.

Runion Lee Roy leeroy at net-magic.net
Tue Jun 20 11:34:03 EDT 2000

I'm sorry, I though this was a "help desk" that had an "experienced Helpdesk
Staff" and would look to find a way to answer question about linux. Guess you
need to change your home page to read:

"If it's easy and if the following documents do not answer your questions,
please EMail our experienced Helpdesk Staff so we can tell you "sorry" we have
never done this."

not as your web page now reads:

"If the following documents do not answer your questions, please EMail our
experienced Helpdesk Staff and I am sure we can find you an answer! "

This led me to believe I could find or get an answer from someone who knew
something about linux. Answers like yours makes it harder for any linux newbie
to keep trying to use it and Microsoft windows easyer to keep.

And BTW, -2 for spelling.  "We have never dont this.  Sorry."  should be "We
have never done this.  Sorry."   If your going to tell someone you can help
them and them tell them "oooooops" we can't, you should at least spell it

Lee Roy

Arthur H. Johnson II wrote:

> We have never dont this.  Sorry.
> On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > I'm looking for a way to use two dialup modems in linux. I have found
> > "eql" and "eqlplus" but the script stuff you have to make up is way over
> > this newbies head. My ISP supports this and I have two dialup accounts,
> > both modems are working in windows98 and getting good download speeds. I
> > also have both modems working in linux (one at a time).
> >
> > Do you know of a way to make this easy or newbie friendly? Do you know
> > of a software that does this by an "install and use" package? Is there a
> > distro that has this already setup? I was told that freeBSD comes setup
> > to do this, Does it?
> > For more tech question from me, please stamd-by, i type slow.
> >
> > thanks
> > lee roy
> --
> Arthur H. Johnson II       arthur at tucows.com
> Tucows Linux Manager       http://linux.tucows.com
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> --
> If only God would give me some clear sign!  Like making a large deposit
> in my name at a Swiss bank.
>                 -- Woody Allen, "Without Feathers"

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