[ale] xscreensaver compile problem

David S. Jackson dsj at sylvester.dsj.net
Sat Dec 23 12:48:19 EST 2000

I get the following when I try to compile xscreensaver 3.24 on
Slack 7.1 with updates (to gnome and gnomelibs installed):

/usr/lib/libgdk_imlib.so: undefined reference to `shmctl@@GLIBC_2.0'

Does this sound like the new gnomelibs are broken or something?
There doesn't seem to be a new imlib in the slack packages (in
the current Changelog.txt).

Any help appreciated.  TIA!

PS.  Basically, I used autoslack to upgrade to -current.  I'm
just trying to figure out whose problem this error is (besides
mine, that is <grin>).  

David S. Jackson                        dsj at dsj.net
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