[ale] boot probleemo

Yu, Jerry zyu at Ptek.com
Tue Aug 8 16:54:58 EDT 2000

LILO seems to be the easy answer.

If really everything win98 is on the second drive, you can config LILO to
do BIOS cheat/trick to let win98 think it boots from the primary master
drive. /usr/doc/LILO* has a more detailed user-guide.

I have a LINUX/win95/winNT4/win2K system happily with LILO.
Another one is happy with NT's own boot loader (configurable via
c:\boot.ini under winNT).

 On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Ericabob wrote:

#nothing mega hard... I think.  I am just starting linux and
#I successfully installed Caldera v2.2.  the problem is that
#I have two hard drives, one, C: is formated half linux and
#half Window$ NT, the other drive is All Window$ 98.  Boot
#majic will not run, and anyway I dont think it will go from
#D drive to C.  So im looking for a boot program that spans
#to secondary hard drives, or at least can edit a different
#hard drives master boot thingy, does anyone know what and
#where a good one is??  ....dang now I cant even play with
#linux in the mean time, I cant get in!!!
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Jerry Z. Yu				mailto: z.yu at ptek.com
Systems Engineer			https://punch
PTEK Holdings, Inc.			+1-404-262-8544 (O)

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