[ale] Q: 'g++' Template Instantiation automation approaches sought

Alexander Barton abarton at mindspring.com
Wed Aug 2 21:09:54 EDT 2000

John Mills wrote:
> Hello -
> We are writing a set of C++ libraries for parallel building under MSVC++
> and 'g++', and I just got blindsided by linkage failures wherein VC++
> automagically generated the list of templates to be instantiated, but not
> 'g++'. The information was thus not available to 'g++' at linkage time.

Maybe I don't understand your problem sufficiently.  But I'll open my
mouth anyway.  I thought the whole point of templates was to
automagically instantiate all classes.  I'm using a recent version of
g++ with heavy template use and have experienced no problems (at least
none attributable to the compiler).

Have you told g++ to use the other-than-default template instantiation
model?  Are you doing any "#pragma interface" and "#pragma

Perhaps you could post a minimum-code example that recreates your

Alexander Barton         "...Unix doesn't have a monopoly on good ideas,
abarton at mindspring.com    it just owns most of them." -Alan Cox
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