[ale] Linux use by ISP

Brian K. Murphy bmurphy at powerh.net
Thu Sep 23 10:08:09 EDT 1999

Just to throw in my two cents, as a small ISP I have been using Linux for
most of our operations since a few months after we started (probably the
middle of last year).  I still keep a NT box, but it is only to host IIS and
Frontpage.  I don't understand why any ISP would pay $$$$ for a what amounts
to a proprietary Unix box when Linux will do exactly the same thing for the
cost of the CD.  Not only that, but I have never heard of a Sun users
group...and linux groups are popping up all over the place.  I can find an
answer to any esoteric question just by asking a couple of lists.  Oh well,
maybe I'm missing something and that's why I'm not the size of Mindspring

Keith Murphy

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