[ale] Permission Denied to run my own stuff

Ben Phillips pynk at cc.gatech.edu
Fri Sep 10 15:19:09 EDT 1999

I have a script in my user directory (RH6), and I wrote it, and I own it,
and it has executable permission.  When I try to run it, it says
"./myscript: Permission denied".  What might be causing this??  I get the
same thing trying to run the a.out from a C program I just compiled.  Even
as root I get this message trying to run programs that are in the user
directory, until I copy the file so root owns it and THEN chmod +x and run
it.  Man what a pain.

                      __   _                 "If pro is opposite of con, 
Ben Phillips         /  '_' )         ,,,    then what is the opposite of
pynk at cc.gatech.edu   |  | ()|||||||||[:::)   progress?  Congress!"
                     \__.-._)         '''     -- men's restroom, House of
		                              Representatives, Washington

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