[ale] Samba and NT Workstations

Mike Kachline kachline at medept17.coon.gatech.edu
Wed Oct 6 22:49:50 EDT 1999

On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Chris Fowler wrote:

> When trying to log into samba on RH 5.2 I get following error
> message:
> The account is not authorized to log in from this station
	My hunch is that the user doesn't have an entry in
/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd. To add the user, log in as that suer
and "smbpasswd". or, you can add the user as root too..

	Note that, at least last that I knew, samba userss also have to
have an entry in /etc/passwd to work, though I think their sell can be
/bin/false if you wish.

	Hunch aside, what shows up in your "log.smbd" when you try logging
into the NT box?

							- Mike
Michael Kachline CS, Georgia Institute of Technlology
kachline at brightstar.gt.ed.net

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