[ale] Word Perfect Equation Editor?

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Tue Nov 9 10:48:19 EST 1999

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 06:41:04AM -0700, Chris Ricker wrote:
> > It does.  That's really the only reason to buy the commercial version (and
> > hey, $20 at CompUSA is worth it for an equation editor to me ;-).  The
> > commercial one also comes with a ton of fonts and a big user's manual.  
> > Those are the only differences I've seen.
> 	IIRC...  There are some differences in the graphics editor as well.
> Like it either doesn't work in the download version or it's very limited.

That could be.  I always do that work in other programs and then import it,
so I've no idea about the differences there.

On a (slightly) related note, does anyone have experience with Xess (Unix /
Windows commercial spreadsheet package)?


Chris Ricker                                               kaboom at gatech.edu
                                              chris.ricker at genetics.utah.edu

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