[ale] Bash scripts for idiots...

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at switchco.com
Fri Nov 5 22:10:31 EST 1999

OK - I'm having a very frustrating time getting the results I want out
of a stupid bash script. All I want it to do is change directories
then exit leaving me in the specified directory. Unfortunately, when
the script exits, the environment (and my current directory) are
restored to what they were before the script was run, thus making the
whole script moot. For examples:

--- snip ---
# !/bin/sh
cd ~/develop/src
--- snip ---

When run from my home directory, it will change to the directory and
give me the proper listing but, upon exit of the script, I'm still in
my home directory. What stupid option am I missing from my bash

	thanx & later,

		Ben "I'm a programmer not a sysadmin!" Scherrey

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