[ale] Linux vs NT on MegaHardware

David S. Jackson dsj at dsj.net
Sat May 15 15:56:43 EDT 1999


After reading the challenge MS is throwing back at Linux'ers to go head up
with NT, I followed a couple of links at unix-vs-nt.org and found this link
rather compelling:


Basically, the author summarizes that on "Mega-Hardware" NT might perform
better than Linux because Linux is built to run on modest hardware, and that
it may not scale up as well on SMP machines.  Still, the disparities between
tuneups on each machine were a disqualifying factor in the Mindcraft test's
creditbility.  (No talk of clusters in the article, though.)

My question:

On more modest hardware, we all agree Linux slams NT.  But how close
_should_ NT and Linux be on Xeon machines in a real comparison?

David S. Jackson                           http://www.dsj.net
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience
in which you stop to look fear in the face."
                         --Eleanor Roosevelt

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