[ale] perl question

Jerry Swann ccoprjs at oit.gatech.edu
Mon May 10 09:28:55 EDT 1999

Mail from David S. Jackson, Mon, May 10, 1999 at 05:16:01AM +0000:
> sub remove_task {
>    $num = 0;
>    system( "clear" );
>    open DATAFILE, "</home/dsj/.planner/data.txt" or die "\nCan't open $datafile: $!\n";
>    print "\nNo.  Pri.\tDescription\n";
>    print "=========================================================\n\n";
>    while (<DATAFILE>) { push @lines, "$_"; }
>    foreach $line (sort @lines) {
>       print "$num  $line"; 
>       $num++;
>    }
>    print "\nWhat task number is complete?";
>    close DATAFILE;  
>    chomp($donetask = <STDIN>);
>    open OUTFILE, ">/home/dsj/.planner/data.txt" or die "\nCan't open $datafile for writing: $!\n";
>    splice @lines, $donetask;
>    for ( $num = 0; $num < @lines; $num++) {
>       print OUTFILE $line[$num];
>    }
>    close OUTFILE;  $entry = "";  @lines = "";
> }

The final line above in the remove_task subroutine is defining
@lines to have a single element equal to "".   Either change this to
'@lines=()' or put a 'my @lines' up at the top to make the variable's
scope local to this subroutine.

> No.  Pri.       Description
> =========================================================
> 0  1    A       Continue programming well

The "0  " is being printed because of the extra "" element that gets added
after running the subroutine once.

Jerry Swann       "Jerry dot Swann at oit dot gatech dot edu"
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office Phone: 404 894-1659
Office Fax:   404 894-9548

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