[ale] [Fwd: ppp on mindspring]

tj tj at atlantageek.com
Mon Jun 7 23:44:50 EDT 1999

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Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 01:00:56 -0400
 From: tj <tj at atlantageek.com>
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Subject: ppp on mindspring
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I have been trying to get ppp to work for 2 weeks now and have a list of
problems.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  The sooner I
get PPP working the sooner I can cannabilize my windows box.
1.  When I dial out with minicom it connects to the server but minicom
doesn't realize this.  It waits for the timer to run out and then tries
to dial out again.  I can hit cancel though and start getting text from
the mindspring login.

2.  When the login appears it is very sloooooow.  It displays a few
letters, waits about 5 seconds and then displays a few more letters.
Any suggestions?

3.  When I do finally login I start ppp and it seems that after multiple
attempts, LCP timesout.  Any more suggestions on this.

4.  One last item, is pap or chap used by mindspring.



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