[ale] Redhat 6.0 and KDE

Tory Michael Deron tory at cauldron.net
Fri Jun 4 06:42:15 EDT 1999

Hello Everyone,

I have been running Redhat 6.0 now for a few weeks, and I am constantly having
problems with Redhat's "version" of KDE.  Other KDE RPM packages don't recognize
it as being installed, and when I try to compile them myself, they are unable to
find the QT libs.

There are a lot of statements I would like to make about Redhat right now, but
I won't.  For all I know, it's something I did wrong.

My real question is this:  Has anyone seen  a document, or have any ideas about
how to  completely remove Redhat's KDE so that I can install the official KDE
version?  I thought about just removing all the KDE RPM's, but I'm afraid of
what the consequences might be. (Would this get everything?)  It doesn't look
like there is anyway to upgrade over what is already there without leaving a
bunch of junk laying around all over the place.  Besides, any KDE RPM's I try to
install insist that KDE isn't there anyway. *sigh*

I would like to do this as cleanly as possible so that I don't run into other
problems later, that is why I am deferring to the experts. 

Alternately, can anyone recommend a more KDE friendly distribution?  Caldera?
Debian?  Any, good or bad expereinced to report?  In 1995, I have used only
Slackware and Redhat, and I am a little apprehensive about trying another

As always, thanks in advance for any and all help.

Tory Michael Deron 
tory at cauldron.net

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