[ale] Redhat IPO

Mandrake mandrake at mandrake.net
Wed Jul 21 12:18:26 EDT 1999

On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 09:59:48AM -0500, Quinton McCombs wrote:
> I just checked Etrade but found no mention of the RedHat IPO...  :-(   Any 
> ideas on where to look?

I don't think that you will be able to purchase E*Trade stock if you didn't
receive this email.  at least that's my assumption.

| Mandrake (Geoff Harrison)                | http://mandrake.net          |
| Senior Software Engineer - VA Linux Labs | http://www.valinux.com       |
| Co-Author - Enlightenment Window Manager | http://www.enlightenment.org |
| linux.com - Advisory Board Member        | http://www.linux.com         |
"It was then at 3 AM - sitting at Dennys - that I realized that my friends and
I had turned out to be the very people my mother had tried so hard to keep
me sheltered from."

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