[ale] Taking the shaft from Microshaft

Patrick Ramsey Ramsey_Patrick at promina.org
Sun Jul 11 15:38:16 EDT 1999

Your first mistake is to actually beleive 2000 beta is a good release... hehe

Eben after 2000 is released in full, it will still be a network hog and suck just as much as NT.  All the key benefits that will sell Doze2000 will also be what brings everyone's oc3 infrastructure to a screeching hault. pffft...

Of course... Microsoft has never been known to be bloated before.  This is something new for them. :p


<<< andy <dread at atlcom.net>  7/11 12:24p >>>

I have 5 machines here at home. My TV system, and a workstation has
Win98 (fer gamez)
The laptop has 98/NT (soon to be converted to Linux to play MP3s
and I also have 2 servers, Caldera 2.2 and Redhat 6.0.
They all connect and co-exist beautifully. No major problems.
All using encrypted passwds.

Now I brought home a Win2000 Beta 3server to test with my Linux servers.

Here is where the fun starts.

Whenever I connect to the samba shares on ANY linux box from
2000 hangs, but it has no problems connecting to a win98 share.  The
neighbourhood "Stops responding" for 3-5 minutes then i'll see the
from this point it takes 3-5 minutes to do anything in nethood on the
2000 box.

Anybody had this experience?

I am going to delete winshaft2000 server and try workstation,  hmmm,
Stay tuned..

Andy      <--Will be getting an Athlon 600 with EV-6 as soon as possible
"We are living organisms on a tiny, mud-covered speck
  of fire that floats in an immense black vacuum."

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