[ale] Strange diald trigger

Gary S. Mackay Gary at edisoninfo.com
Mon Jul 5 08:44:15 EDT 1999

Does anyone know what a Win98 box would be sending out every half hour that
triggers diald? I have working just fine for NT, Win98 and a Win95 box. I
recently added another win98 box and to the best of my knowledge, it is
configured just like the rest. But, while it is powered on, diald triggers
every half hour. Turn it off, and diald only triggers when I want it to. I've
compared all the settings, hosts file, etc. between it and the rest of the
boxes and can not find any difference. What else could it be?

- Gary

Edison Information Technologies
P.O. Box 554
Milan, OH  44846-0554
Gary at EdisonInfo.com

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