[ale] Reminder The linux Hardware Forum is tonite

joe joe at linuxgeneralstore.com
Tue Jan 26 11:16:12 EST 1999

this week  -  very cool stuff

check out the wireless wan connection going up at the store.

the Hack Rack returns.
we have internal UPS cards that look pretty cool 
Thay must have came out before thier time, maybe we can revive it
and a 3D pointing device called the CyberMouse
from IPC Peripherals, INC
as always, the first one to hackit can haveit

see ya tonight
havent heard about Tuesday nights?
checkout http://www.linuxgeneralstore.com/lhware.html
Joe DeVita                         Founder     
Linux General Store   "Where Cyberspace and Real space meet"
798 Marietta St.       404-881-8090 voice  404-881-0640 fax
Atlanta GA 30318        http://www.linuxgeneralstore.com 

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