[ale] Problem adding additional SCSI HD

Glenn C. Lasher Jr. critter at wizvax.net
Thu Jan 21 15:20:54 EST 1999

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 jeff_hubbs at mcgraw-hill.com wrote:

> Jeff -
> I'm not entirely sure you can do what I think you're doing - putting a wide
> drive on a SCSI-2 bus.  I've done the opposite before but when you do that
> you have to make sure that a wide device does the termination.  You may
> need to get a wide card.

You can do this.  SCSI is essentially a very short peer-to-peer network
(at least on the lower levels) and so there is not any requirement that
the SHA be wide to connect a wide drive.  Of course, the drive will take a
performance hit for this....

You will get wide performance bwtween any two wide devices on a wide
cable, narrow performance in all other instances.

Critter at Wizvax.Net
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