[ale] Cuseeme

Steve Crimm steve at stephenscott.com
Wed Jan 13 14:30:03 EST 1999

As a new person to Linux again I am struggling...
I am trying to get Cuseeme working through my firewall, but I am having
extreme difficulties getting it working.  I have searched for any and all
info and have come up with the below addition to my rc.local file.
I have kernel 2.0.35-1 of Redhat with the Cuseeme  module included.
So far the fire wall has worked great, it stops the world, or at least the
world that I know.

What I need is some hand holding on how to get this working

Thanks in advance

Steve Crimm

ipfwadm -f -F # Clears out old entries
ipfwadm -F -p deny
ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

/usr/local/bin/icq.fw start

ipautofw -A -r udp 7648 7649 -h

#/sbin/insmod sound

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