[ale] Perl and $_ ?

Mike Fletcher fletch at phydeaux.org
Wed Jan 13 11:37:53 EST 1999

>>>>> "David" == David S Jackson <dsj at dsj.net> writes:

    David> Okay, I'm just chugging through "Learning Perl" and came to
    David> Chapter 6 and the $_ variable.  I thought I understood it,
    David> but now that I'm chugging through Chapter 7 (Regular
    David> Expressions) I'm not so sure.

    David> Could someone explain it to me in their own words with
    David> simple examples, maybe?

	If you're ever wondering about one of the builtin perl
variables, just consult:

man perlvar

(or `perldoc perlvar' if your man doesn't find the perl manual pages)

	If you're ever wondering what man page to look at to find
something out about perl, man perl will give a listing of them all.
And man perltoc is also helpful (has headings from pretty much all
docs that ship standard with perl).

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