[ale] Ip Masq using RH 6.1

Randy Janinda randy.janinda at ndcorp.com
Tue Dec 7 09:19:59 EST 1999

On  0, Stephen F Nicholas <syssfn at panther.Gsu.EDU> wrote:
> Hello Ale,
>   Sorry to be a bother, but I did a 'clean' install to 6.1 from 5.2.  I
> have most everything up and running.  I've run into a problem or two
> regarding trying to ipmasq under 6.1.  Worked fine under RH 5.2.
> Here's where I'm at:
> 1.)  Have recompiled the kernel (2.2.13) to include Network firewalls,
> TCP/IP networking, IP: firewalling, IP: Masquerading, and IP: ICMP
> masquerading.  Note: I DID NOT see the IP: forwarding/gatewaying option in
> xconfig (might be my problem.)
> 2.)  Have set FORWARD_IPV4 to true in /etc/sysconfig/network
> 3.)  Used ipfwadm2ipchains to update my policies.  See below:
> Under ipfwadm:
> ipfwadm -F -f
> ipfwadm -F -p accept
> ipfwadm -F  -a m -S -D
> Under ipchains:
> ipchains -F forward
> ipchains -P forward ACCEPT
> ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -s -d
> I can telnet and ftp between my machine and my wife's machine under linux
> (on both machines) and Win95 (on her end :)  I'm sure I'm missing something
>  simple.  I have the RH docs, but have not found where my issue is 
> addressed.  If someone can point me in the right direction, I would 
> appreciate it.
> Steve

You didn't state what the problem was but I will assume that the MASQ isn't working.
The thing that gets most people is:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Even though the /etc/sysconfig/network file says "FORWARD_IPV4 true", if this file has 
a zero in it, your stuck.

Hope that helps. Let me know.
Randy Janinda

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