[ale] Re: [NTLUG:Discuss] Re: [svlug] EVENT: Burn All GIFs Day.
Irv Mullins
irv at ellijay.com
Mon Aug 30 10:43:35 EDT 1999
On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Why comply? It only adds credence to their claim that software is
> patentable. I am simply ignoring their claim until a court orders me to do
> otherwise. At the point where the browsers my students use can support png
> to the extent that the can with gifs, I will happily make the change.
> Until then, I think a better tactic for the courts to consider is the
> common-use after publication of standards should supercede patent claims.
> Bah, patents.
This is an excellent illustration of the total inability on the part of
management types to apply reason or logic to any problem.
Let's think for a moment: The obvious result of this "patent" enforcement will
be the immediate removal of all gif files from web sites, except for a handful
of very large sites for whom the cost of conversion would be > $5000.
Therefore, there will eventually be no great need for software which
uses the gif format. Hence, no reason for the software developers to
license the technology or include it in their products. Result: little income
to the "patent" holders, and the eventual inability of the few "licensed" users
to find software which supports the orphan format.
However, there will still be a significant _outflow_ of money from Unisys.
Let's "follow the money" --- Is anyone surprised to find that it will go to
the corporate lawyers?
This is obviously just another attempt by lawyers to extort money from
their clients and the general public. (see, for example, tobacco, guns, hot
coffee, .etc....)
Sell your Unisys stock - poor management decisions will kill any business,
sooner or later.
Irv Mullins
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