[ale] I knew it I knew it

Dan Newcombe Newcombe at mordor.clayton.edu
Sun Aug 29 12:03:52 EDT 1999

> I knew that Microshaft was screwing my network with this
> WinBLOWS 2000 B3 Server I have here.
> And it locks when I click on ANY Samba server.

Hmmm...I'm running W2K RC 2 (Professional not Server) and have had no
trouble with Samba.  I'll have to test our w2K server tomorrow and see if
it has any trouble, but I doubt it.

> Do they think they out-program the Linux community ?

I doubt that is the problem
> Here is what I think my problem is
> http://linuxtoday.com/stories/9292.html

Dynamic DNS probably has nothing at all to do with this.  I'm running BIND
8 with DDNS and I'm not having any Samba trouble.

Just because you have a problem doesn't make MS evil.  I'll test Samba
with W2K Server tomorrow and see how it does, and post back.

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