[ale] Pine Problem

Rjey Nomer rjeynomer at asia.com
Thu Aug 26 21:19:10 EDT 1999

what are the results of:
"% df"?

The %df is ok, there still alot of free space... I think that the problem is
the file in /var/spool/mail where my mail is. cause when I deleted my
account and backup the file rjey at /var/spool/mail/rjey and then adduser
rjey again, I can accessed my mailbox using pine. But when I put back my
backup file the problem came back. I just thinking that my
/var/spool/mail/rjey has been corrupted.

Thank you for the help you've shared to me.

Rjey Nomer

John Mills, Sr. Software Engineer
TGA Technologies, Inc.
100 Pinnacle Way, Suite 140
Norcross, GA 30071-3633
e-mail: jmills at tga.com
Phone: 770-441-2100 ext.124 (voice)
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