[ale] Connecting to the ISP

Prabhakar + Nitika chaganti at randomc.com
Thu Aug 26 06:53:39 EDT 1999

Hi Steve:

I have the base Slackware 4.0 running on the I7K. I have got the 
sound card working. I have not yet been able to set up X on the 
system. I have not been able to work the one way to set up a stock 
XF86_Mach64 server on the I7K. All of the other ways suggested 
need a kernel compiled with Framebuffers support. I am in the 
process of doing that to see if I can get X to work. In case you 
missed them, here are two excellent links to Linux on a Dell I7K:

Let me know how it goes.


Linux --- The choice of a GNU generation :-)

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