[ale] Linux guru: 'MS fall has already begun'

Jeremy T. Bouse undrgrid at Netsurfer.com
Fri Aug 13 11:48:05 EDT 1999

	Figured some people would enjoy taking a look at this lil article
if you haven't already seen it...

	Jeremy T. Bouse
	UnderGrid Network Services


|  Jeremy T. Bouse    -    Netsurfer, Inc.    -    http://www.Netsurfer.com   |
|  perl -e 'print =pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'   |
|  undrgrid at Netsurfer.com   -   Software Engineer   -   Jeremy at Netsurfer.com  |
|      Anti-trust laws should be approached with exactly that attitude.       |

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