[ale] LOCAL: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts August Meeting

Eric Z. Ayers eric at compgen.com
Mon Aug 9 13:37:28 EDT 1999

Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - August meeting notice.

	      Come and join your fellow Linux Enthusiasts
		   for another high-spirited meeting.
			  Thursday 12 August
				7:00 PM
		   Georgia Tech College of Computing
                              Room 16 or 17

                              THIS MONTH:
                        Tom Buttermore, MediaOne
                  Executive Director of High Speed Data

    Tom will give a presentation about cable modem technology, new
    cable plant architectures, rebuild status here in Atlanta and
    hopes to debunk some of the myths the Telco's have been putting 
                     out about ADSL and cable modems.

     The Atlanta Linux Showcase will be held October 12-16 at the 
       Cobb Galleria Centre.  There will  be no ALE meeting at 
                        Georgia Tech in October.  

               Registration for the Atlanta Linux Showcase is 
             now open, offering special pre-registration prices
                 for conference sessions before September 1.

           For more info on the Atlanta Linux Showcase, visit
		 For more info, visit the ALE web page:
	For Directions to the Georgia Tech College of Computing:

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