[ale] Run level 5 with Gnome

Patrick Ramsey Ramsey_Patrick at promina.org
Wed Apr 28 15:25:23 EDT 1999

> Ok guys...  Anybody know why my gui boot up still boots normal Xfree?
> If I boot into level 3, and 'startx' I get gnome...  Does the gui login look for something other than 'startx' and 'xinitrc' ?
> And If so, how do I boot into level 5 and it be gonme?

What login program are you running in level 5 (xdm, gdm, kdm, login.app, or
something more obscure)?

What distribution are you running (sounds like redhat from the runlevels,
but what version)?

Well I am using RH5.2 and I found that I was running XDM from 

I tried changing it to GDM but nothing happened... lol... 
Do I need to add any command line variable when running GDM?

Right now the XDM command line is :
"x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon"

Any suggestions?

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