[ale] Lack of Funds

Joe Bayes jbayes at occs.cs.oberlin.edu
Thu Apr 22 04:57:51 EDT 1999

MarNuke typeth:

>My friend upgraded his computer with a new viedo card and mother board.
>He gave me his old mb.  I have the funds to buy a celly 333 for 90 bucks

Are you _sure_ you don't want to get a 300A and o/c it to 450? ;)

I'm getting 10x the number of RSA keys/sec as I was with my P100. 

>and a case for 30.  But with a budget of 200 dollars i don;t have the
>funds to buy another hard drive. 

Have you considered going down to the Linux General Store and picking
up a 100 meg disk for dirt cheap? 

>1)  can i have operate the server with out a swap disk?

Yes, you can. Do you have another Linux machine on your LAN from which
you could do a network boot? Or the boot CDROM works fine too. You can
even fit a kernel on a floppy, although you'd still have to nfs-mount
the filesystem if you do that. 

If you have another Linux machine, you could nfs mount your swap from
there (at least, I _think_ you can...), but that will be dirt slow. I
would consider getting that cheap disk if I were you.


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