[ale] weird windowmaker problem

Nick Lucent nlucent at mindspring.com
Sun Apr 18 11:07:07 EDT 1999

I finally got around to setting up the dock in windowmaker, and everything
is how I want it except for one thing. I have 3 rxvt's setup on the dock,
1 is the actual dock?block? (the one w/ the yinyang in it) - its setup to
ssh to another box, the 2nd is just a local rxvt, and the third is a rxvt
asking for a passwd (rxvt -e su -). Now my problem is, I want to give them
each slightly different icons so I know the difference, and dont have to
try 3 different times to hit the right one, but #2 and #3 always have the
same icon, when I change the icon on one, windowmaker changes the icon on
the other. But the one that I made from the dockblock keeps whatever icon
I give it. Has anyone seen this before or know of a workaround? 


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