[ale] Weird dd error..

Mike Fletcher fletch at phydeaux.org
Fri Apr 16 15:41:38 EDT 1999

    Jay> I have been reading about how the dd command can be used to
    Jay> (essentially) mirror data from one hard drive to another.
    Jay> Well, I bit the bullet, upgraded my hda1 from a 604 MB drive
    Jay> to a 1.02 GB drive.  Now my 1.02 GB drive is showing up (in
    Jay> df) as a 604 MB drive!  (The data came out correctly,
    Jay> however)

	You really should only use dd to duplicate physically identical
drives.  In your case, even though the drive is 1G, you've copied a
filesystem which thinks it resides on a 604M device.  You might be able
to use one of the ext2 editors and increase the size of the filesystem.
A much better solution would be to use a program like dump or tar to
move the information over.

Fletch                |                                            __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |       "I drank what?" -- Socrates          \ o.O'
678 443-6239(w)       |                                            =(___)=
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