[ale] Tk.pm

Mike Fletcher fletch at phydeaux.org
Thu Apr 15 11:41:30 EDT 1999

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Ness <cness at gloster.vivid.net> writes:

    Chris> Help! I'm pulling my hair out on this one that seems like
    Chris> it should be so easy I've RTFMed till I am blue in the face
    Chris> without finding a file called Tk.pm . I've
    Chris> reinstalled/recompiled Perl with the latest version
    Chris> (5.00503). I've grepped and netsearched. I've explored an
    Chris> ever widening set of docs for tk/tcl and for Perl with no
    Chris> success. If this file is so critical for every perl
    Chris> program, why is it so well hidden?  Thanks in advance for
    Chris> the help and the catharsis.

	Tk.pm shouldn't be critical for any perl program unless it's
using the Tk module.  You can grab the source for Perl/Tk (which
probably needs to be reinstalled since you've upgraded (I'm guessing
from a 5.004 version?) from any CPAN archive:


	Or use the CPAN module (assuming you've got it configured):

perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->install( "Tk" )'

Fletch                |                                            __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |       "I drank what?" -- Socrates          \ o.O'
678 443-6239(w)       |                                            =(___)=

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