[ale] ALE mailing list archives

Ben Phillips pynk at cc.gatech.edu
Mon Apr 12 17:53:51 EDT 1999

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Wandered Inn wrote:

> Someone else posted this solution to the list.  You might
> check the archives..

Is there a way to access the archives besides the link on the web page?
Because it only has messages through Oct 98.

                      __   _
Ben Phillips         /  '_' )         ,,,    "If it's a hobby for us and a
pynk at cc.gatech.edu   |  | ()|||||||||[:::)   job for you, then why are you
                     \__.-._)         '''    doing such a shoddy job?"
		                              -- Linus Torvalds to Microsoft 

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