[ale] remote Printer...

Bob Kruger bkruger at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 12 06:11:36 EDT 1999

At 06:40 PM 4/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> I have no idea what m/c is, but make sure you put the other machine names
>> in /etc/hosts.lpd or lpd wont allow them to connect/print
>> Nick
> m/c ==> machine (sorry for the so called abbreviation)..
>I have the hostname in the /etc/hosts.lpd .. and it does not work..


One of the things that I found out was that in order for lpd to work on
remote systems, you must have the ability to do reverse name resolution,
that is, convert an ip address into a name.

You can do this one of two ways.  The first is to make sure that all of the
ip addresses and hostnames for all of the systems on your LAN are in each
machines /etc/hosts file.  The more complicated way is to set up named and
insure that you have a reverse resolution file for your lan included.

Best of luck.

Regards - Bob Kruger 

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