[ale] $PS1 stuff
David S. Jackson
dsj at dsj.net
Sat Apr 10 16:57:13 EDT 1999
I was trying to customize my $PS1 variable a little bit with some ANSI color
escapes, and I find that I can do it with bash 2.0.x but can't quite do it
with bash 1.4.7. At least not the same way. Two questions:
first: PS1="\[\e[1;31m\e \e[47m\] \d \@ BASH \V in \w \[\e[1;33m \e[40m \]
\n[\u@\h \W]\$ " seems to work fine with BASH 2.0, but not with 1.4.7. I
tried the ^[ escapes, and that didn't seem to work either. I've tried
TERM=xterm, TERM=xterm-color. No go either way. Any ideas for getting
something like this to work with Bash 1.4.X?
second: I'd like to add nifty ASCII characters to the PS1 line, but I have
to enter their octal values as \nnn where "nnn" = the octal value of the
ASCII character in question. I found an old table with decimal and hex
equivalents, but how do I convert them to octal for the PS1 variable?
David S. Jackson http://www.dsj.net
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