[ale] nat vs masq

David Hamm dhamm at itserve.com
Fri Apr 9 17:35:47 EDT 1999

I'm trying to set up a friend with a Netgeer ISDN router for online stock
trading.  The Netgeer does NAT which I thought was the same as Masqurading. 
Here is my problem. One of the online trading services requires a wide range of
ports to be opened on the "firewall" and the Netgeer can only open 8 ports, 
This looks  like port fowarding to me but anyway using our linux masq
firewall we don't have to do anything special to connect to the online trading
service and it works fine.  Is NAT different than Masqurading?  Why would the
Linux Masq firewall allow proper communication when the NetGeer won't?

 -- ---------------------------------
David Hamm
Systems Analyst
Imaging Technologies Services Inc.
email: dhamm at itserve.com
voice: 404-885-5905

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