[ale] Windows -> Linux dial out
Thompson Freeman
tfreeman at tfreeman.vnet.net
Fri Apr 9 10:06:56 EDT 1999
Well - I've got a really ugly approach that works pretty well here. Since
RH installs Apache by default, I point all browsers at a web page on the
server machine. CGI scripts then bring up and drop the ppp link, and may
be called from any machine on the house network.
It isn't very idiot resistant, and it does require a little cooperation to
get along with two people on line, but it works for us.
On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Nick Lucent wrote:
> Im looking for a way for my girlfriend to be able to dial out from her
> windows box over the network. I cant get diald to work, it just trashes my
> route on startup, it dials out, but doesnt reset the route. At one point I
> hacked the source of dialmon to execute my dialout script rather then talk
> to diald through a fifo, but Ive since lost that. I have also tried
> masqdialer, and it works ok, but for somereason it only brings the link
> up, wont bring it down. Does anyone have any other suggestions for
> something that can be used?
> Thanks, Nick
Thompson Freeman Even the Immortal Brahma
Shaves before he hugs his mama
tfreeman at vnet.net Karma Shave
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